How Big Do French Bulldogs Get?

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How Big Do French Bulldogs Get? – Perhaps, you are planning to adopt French Bulldog puppies. If so, then here is everything you need to know about French bulldogs. 

Generally, this dog is famous as companion dogs, are due to their socialization abilities. 

However, the purebred dog breed loves socializing and enjoys physical contact. An interesting fact about French bulldogs is that the name “French bulldog” was given because they followed English lacemakers during their migration to France. 

Hence, the name “French bulldogs.” Naturally, one of the big questions people don’t stop asking about French bulldogs is, “how big do they get?”

How Big Do French Bulldogs Get?

The maximum size a French bulldog can go is 28 pounds, while the maximum height is 11-13 Inches. There is no assurance that your bulldog will get to weigh up to this amount or grow this tall. 

The maximum growth is dependent on a lot of factors that are out of your control.

Most female French bulldogs only weigh from 17 pounds to 24 pounds. The male counterparts are most often heavier than the female, their average weight being between 20 pounds to 28 pounds.

French Bulldogs

There are three other French bulldogs besides the standard French dog, and they get big differently. The teacup French bulldog weighs the lowest, usually from 10 – 14 Inches, and the height not more than 11-12 inches.

The mini French bulldog weighs between 20 – 25 pounds on average and is about 13 inches tall. Micro French bulldog weighs between 15 – 20 pounds and is about 12 inches tall.

The standard French bulldog does not exceed 28 pounds. Anything beyond 28 pounds is obesity.

What is the Age a French Bulldog is Fully Grown?

French bulldogs grow into their total and maximum weight about eight to twelve months after birth. But it takes them nine to twelve months after birth. 

Between 12 and 14 months, an average French bulldog can be considered to be full grown. However, after the maximum height has been reached, French bulldogs continue to build muscles.

How big do French Bulldogs get at 6 month age?

For the male counterpart, 6 months after birth, French bulldogs weigh between 17 pounds and 22 pounds, while the average weight is 1.5 pounds.

The female French bulldog is not as weighty as the male French bulldog—the female French bulldog weighs between 13 pounds and 20 pounds at the age of 6 months.

A 6-month old French bulldog will be about 7 inches to 9 inches tall, regardless of gender.

How do French Bulldogs grow?

How do French Bulldogs grow

The French bulldog has different growth stages to reach full adulthood. The stages are the neonatal, transitional, socialization, and ranking stages.

A) Neonatal stage

This stage is during the first two weeks after the birth of a French bulldog. At this stage, the dog is barely active and does not communicate with the immediate environment.

The bulldog is blind, deaf, and toothless during these two weeks. However, their taste and touch senses come active immediately with their birth.

French bulldogs are inactive at this stage, and most of the two weeks are spent sleeping and nursing for the puppy.

B) Transitional stage

Just like the name of the phase sounds and stands, the phase is a transitional one. It occurs between the second and fourth week.

The growth of teeth starts in this phase. Then, the baby French bulldog also starts moving about a little at this phase or stage. 

Their sight, smelling, and hearing senses become active at this stage.

C) Socialization stage

There is some rapid development at this phase, and it occurs between 3 to 12 weeks. Baby French bulldogs between the age of 3 weeks and 4 weeks go through their socialization stage. 

At that age, they know what is going on in their environment and can control their urination and defecating, putting intentionality to it.

When the age reaches between the fourth month and sixth week, French bulldogs enjoy physical contact and communicate better with other dogs. 

Also, between the fifth week to the seventh week, French bulldog starts to get around human interaction.

French bulldogs can receive vaccination when between 6 months and 8 months. Therefore, a french bulldog should get all necessary vaccines at this growth stage. 

A French bulldog can be weaned and eat solid foods by the 8th month after birth.

You can bring a French bulldog home to get accustomed to the house after about 7 to 9 months, and between 9 to 12 weeks, they are mostly ready to start getting trained, starting with basic commands.

D) Ranking Stage

This stage falls between the 3rd and 6th months after birth, and it is the phase where the French bulldog teeth. The teething might go on for several months.

E) Adolescence Stage

The French bulldog adolescence stage starts 6 months after birth and ends by the 18th month. The French bulldog has reached sexual maturity and can reproduce at this stage. 

You can also say they have reached adulthood and attained their full height and weight.

How to Make Sure Your French Bulldog is Healthy?

The health of your French bulldog is essential, and you need to pay attention to it. However, the dog has some specifics that need to be catered for.

1. Exercise

As much as your French bulldog needs exercise, they do not need much exercise. This is because French Bulldogs have low energy levels. 

There is a need for exercise because there is a tendency of obesity for your French bulldog.

French bulldogs are susceptible to hot temperatures. So, exercising in hot weather is a bad idea. 

A good exercise for the French bulldog can be short walks in conducive weather, indoor play sessions, etc.

2. Feeding

What you feed your French bulldog is highly important. It is okay if French bulldogs are provided 1 – 1.5 cups of dry food every day. You can distribute this quantity throughout the day.

It would be best not to let your French bulldog feed on human food. Like you would not eat dog food, do not allow your dog to eat human food. This might cause obesity in the French bulldog.

3. Look out for health problem tendencies

Having a French bulldog needs you to pay attention to their health, as they are prone to several health issues.

French bulldogs are prone to breathing problems due to their flat and short faces. Therefore, you should make sure they are breathing well after exercises. 

Note that the breathing problem might heighten during hot and freezing weather.


French Bulldogs can get quite large, reaching up to 28 pounds. Though they are not as big as some other breeds, they are still good-sized dogs.

However, French Bulldogs are an excellent breed for people who want a smaller dog that can still provide some exercise.

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