How To Potty Train A Puppy In 7 Days!

When bringing a new puppy home, the first thing that comes to mind is puppy potty train. So, of course, how to potty train a puppy is a common question to pet owners. But no more worries! 

In this article, I will share the most advanced and easiest puppy potty training in 7 days. Let’s begin!

Generally, potty training your puppy can be a challenging task. But with these guides, you’ll have the perfect dog in no time. 

You can learn the basic obedience commands to puppy potty training tips and tricks. In short, everything you need to get your pup on their feet and potty training like a pro. 

So with success guaranteed, make sure you take these steps!

Choose the Right Potty Training Method for You and Your Puppy

To begin with potty training your puppy, choose a method that will work for your schedule. 

Some potty training methods are Crate Training, Puppy Pee Pad Training, and Litter Box Training. You can also try different methods based on the ages and weights of your puppy.

First, choose a dog potty training method that will work for your Schedule

Once you’ve decided which potty training method is right for you and your pup, it’s time to start the journey! 

Here are some tips on how to get started:

1. Determine whether you have an early-morning or evening routine. If you have a morning routine, set up the potty in the morning before getting ready for breakfast. 

If you have an evening routine, let your pup out at nighttime so he can pee during his leisure time (instead of waiting until morning).

2. Set up a potty area that is easily accessible and cleanable. This includes setting up a crate or playpen. So your pup can go when he needs to use the bathroom. In addition, it will create an easily accessible toilet area in his room or house.

3. Make sure there is plenty of water available when needed and during playback episodes of Dog Whisperer if desired (optional).

4. Try not to put any pressure on your pup while he uses the toilet; instead, allow him to take his time and relax into the experience.

5. When possible, schedule regular breaks throughout the day so you can let your pup use the bathroom without feeling rushed or stressed out.

Prepare Your Puppy’s “Potty” Area

For your puppy to potty train, you’ll need to prepare his “potty” area. This will include a place where he can lay down, a place to store food and water, and a place where he can go when he needs to pee. 

Here are some tips on how to set up your puppy’s “potty” area:

1. Set up a Puppy Pad: A good way to potty train a puppy is by setting up a pad in a quiet, convenient location. This will allow him to learn how to go potty in peace and without any distractions. 

The pad should be made of soft materials that are easy for him to step on and poop on.

2. Place His Food and Water Bowls in the “Potty” Area: Once your puppy has his “potty” area set up, put his food and water bowls there so that he can start training himself how to go potty. 

Be sure to place them in an easily accessible spot so your pup can learn quickly and effectively how to use the bathroom.

Establish a Potty Training Schedule

It’s crucial to establish a regular potty training schedule for your puppy. This will help them learn and remember where they should go when they need to go potty. 

To do this, take your pup out to “potty” frequently–seldom less than once per day–and give them positive reinforcement for going in the right place. 

Then, once they understand the importance of potty training, you can gradually increase the frequency of outings to “potty.”

Reward Your Puppy for Going in the Right Spot

When your puppy goes potty in a good spot, give them a treat or praise! If they go to an unenjoyable spot, give them negative reinforcement by making them sit or stand outside until they stop using the bathroom. 

This will help teach them that going to the bathroom is necessary and that there are specific areas where they need to go.

Be Consistent With Your Puppy’s Potty Training

Suppose you’re consistent with your potty training efforts. In that case, your puppy will eventually learn to go to the bathroom. Then, start spanking your pup for accidents. 

He may become accustomed to going without and start toileting on his schedule. This cannot be easy to overcome. 

So it’s vital that you are consistent with your training and don’t punish your pup for accidents. However, did you read how to train a dog to pee outside yet?

Stay patient and consistent during the potty training process

Puppies need time to learn how to use the bathroom on their own. So it’s essential to keep the potty training process as smooth as possible for both of you. 

Be patient and consistent with your efforts, and don’t give your pup any incentives (like rewards) to stop making mistakes. 

By doing this, you’ll be able to successfully potty train your pup in a healthy way!

Prevent Potty Training Setbacks

If your puppy is not potty trained, there are a few things you can do to help delay the process. 

First, set up regular potty training times and ensure your puppy fully understands why they need to go potty. 

Second, avoid scheduling conflicts that could delay the training process. For example, if you have to leave work early, don’t let the dog out of their room until after work. 

Finally, be patient and consistent with your efforts – good potty training techniques take time and practice.

Avoid Scheduling Conflicts That Could Delay Potty Training

If you find yourself struggling with your puppy’s need to “go,” it may be helpful to schedule conflict-free potty training sessions in advance. 

This way, you can avoid potential scheduling conflicts that could prevent you from completing your pup’s training goals. 

Additionally, try using potty training toys specifically designed for dogs who need to go outdoors. So your dog won’t have Toilet Training Setbacks on multiple occasions.

Troubleshoot Common Potty Training Problems.

If you’re having accidents in your home while your puppy is potty training, it may be a sign that he’s not ready to go outside. Try these steps to help potty train your pup:

-Ensure that the area where you plan to put your puppy to the potty is clean and free of toys, food, or other materials that could cause accidents.

-Make sure your house rules and commands to follow when potting him out. Also, include plenty of praise for good behavior when he goes outside.

-Be patient and consistent with training; don’t force your pup to go outside just because he’s been having accidents. 

In fact, many dogs will eventually become potters by default once they learn how to go outdoors reliably.

Celebrate Your Puppy’s Potty Training Success.

It can be difficult to potty train a puppy, but with the proper reinforcement and effort, you should see progress in no time. 

Positive reinforcement: Naming or rewarding your pup for good potty training—will encourage him to stay on his potty schedule. 

Please keep track of your pup’s progress through Diary Cards and other forms of communication, and give him treats for successful bowel movement reports.

Keep up with your puppy’s potty training progress

Even if your pup is making good progress, it’s essential to keep up the effort. If you stop treatment early, he may start to associate going outside with feeling embarrassed and ashamed. 

Therefore, it’s essential to keep moving forward and working as hard as possible so that he arrives at the bathroom safely and without any accidents!


Potty training can be challenging and time-consuming. But with the correct method and schedule, you can get your pup ready for the potty. So how to potty train a puppy in 7 days?

First, set up a potty area in a convenient location. Secondly, try various potty training methods and punish your puppy for accidents. 

Then, in 7 days, you can ensure that your puppy is successful in potty training. Congratulations on making progress!