When we bring a new puppy home, it brings joy to the family. The dog becomes a family member and gets everyone’s attention.
Like a human baby, we care for the puppy and its health. However, it can be worrying if your puppy is not growing at the rate you expect.
You may have questions about why this is happening and what you can do to help your pet grow.
This article will explore potential reasons why your puppy is not growing.
Let’s find out how you can monitor them.
Why Your Puppy Is Not Growing?
A puppy is like a human kid. Like human kids, puppies start small and grow bigger as they age.
But some puppies don’t always grow at the same rate as others.
That means some puppies might stay smaller than others of the same age.
Think of it like two friends of the same age. But one is taller than the other.
Usually, they are both growing. But one is just growing faster than the other.
It’s the same with puppies!
You can help your puppy to grow by making sure it gets enough food and exercise. As a result, it will be healthy and strong.
Here are the top 6 factors your Puppy Is Not Growing. Let’s begin!
1. Puppy Growth
Puppy growth is an exciting process that requires time and dedication. As a new pet owner, keeping an eye on your puppy’s growth is vital to ensure it’s healthy.
A puppy growth chart is one way to stay on top of this. This tool tracks your pup’s weight, height, and other vital events.
It provides insight into their overall health and wellness. You can easily find free charts online or ask your vet for one at check-ups.
Puppy growth happens rapidly in the first few weeks of life. Their bodies and minds are changing during this time. So they need extra care and attention.
You can make sure they are growing as planned by keeping track of their progress week by week. Then, you can watch your animal friend grow into the perfect dog with love and care.
2. Physical Factors
Puppies are adorable, no doubt about that. But, as cute and cuddly as they are, it’s crucial to comprehend their bodily growth.
From day one, pups grow physically and mentally. We’ll discuss the physical aspects of dog growth in this piece.
Firstly, nutrition plays a massive role in your puppy’s growth from day one. Puppies require a diet rich in protein and calories for optimal growth and development.
Your pup may experience stunted growth or other health issues without proper nutrition. So another essential physical factor you need to consider is exercise.
Puppies need daily activity to build muscle and bone strength like adult kids do.
3. Genetic Factors For Puppy is Not Growing
Knowing that your puppy’s genetic makeup dramatically affects its growth is essential. For instance, your dog’s DNA can impact its height. But they can also increase its susceptibility to illness.
One genetic factor that affects puppy growth is breed. Different breeds have different growth rates and adult sizes.
For example, Great Danes multiply and reach up to 30 inches tall. At the same time, Pomeranians are much smaller, reaching an average height of only 6-7 inches.
Another factor is parental genetics. For instance, if both parents are big dogs, their offspring will likely be bigger than average.
External factors like diet and activity can help your dog grow healthy despite heredity.
4. Nutrition & Exercise for Puppy Growth
Food and activity are crucial to your puppy’s health and happiness.
Here are some tips on incorporating these elements into your pup’s routine: First of all, when it comes to nutrition, it’s essential to make sure your puppy gets a balanced diet that fits its needs.
Talk to your vet or breeder to find out what kind of food and how often you should feed your pet.
First, puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs. So ensure you’re providing them with food formulated for their age group.
Secondly, exercise promotes strong bones and muscles in growing puppies. However, it’s essential to remember that too much exercise can harm developing joints.
5. Vet Checkup If Your Puppy is Not Growing
A vet checkup for puppy growth is essential to your pup’s well-being. Ensuring your dog is healthy, growing as expected, and preventing potential health issues is crucial.
Puppies should have their first medical visit within 6-8 weeks of adoption. After that, they should be checked every three to four weeks until they’re four months old.
After this time, they should be checked every six months without medical issues.
During these routine visits, your veterinarian will examine your pup’s overall health and development.
For example, they will look at their weight, height, teeth condition, and ears.
6. Common Issues for Puppy is Not Growing
A lot of time, puppies can come with some health issues. Therefore, it can affect their growth and development.
One of the most common issues for puppy growth is malnutrition. Puppies require a specific diet rich in nutrients to support healthy development.
Feeding them low-quality food or not providing them with enough food can result in stunted growth and other health problems.
Another issue that affects puppy growth is the need for more exercise.
Dogs need many exercises to grow strong muscles and bones, enhance circulation, and stay healthy.
Their bones and joints may weaken without proper training, causing movement issues later in life.
5 Simple Tricks to Increase Puppy Growth?
If you’re a new pet parent, you might wonder how to increase your puppy’s growth. While heredity determines your pet friend’s size, you can help them grow and mature.
Here are some tips on how to increase puppy growth:
1. Provide your puppy with high-quality food
Feeding your pup nutrient-dense food is one of the best ways to ensure healthy growth. Look for dog foods that contain high amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
2. Make sure they get enough exercise
Puppies need plenty of exercises to grow strong muscles and develop good bone density. Take them for daily walks or play sessions to keep them active.
3. Regular vet checkups
Regular checkups with your veterinarian can help detect any health issues affecting your pup’s growth rate.
4. Keep them safe
Puppies are at high risk of injury and diseases. So keep your pup from toxins and other dangers affecting its growth. For example, keep them from eating human food or drinking tap water.
5. Treat them right
Make sure you keep your puppy comfortable and well cared for. Provide a soft bed, plenty of fresh water and food, toys to play with, and regular veterinary care.
But, most importantly, love them as much as they will love you in return!
Final Thought
In conclusion, it’s beautiful watching puppies grow and develop. But it’s important to remember that this process is not a race; each puppy develops at their own pace.
But what if your puppy is not growing as per its age?
To ensure that your pup grows up healthy and happy. So ensure they have all the essential needs such as love, nutrition, exercise, and many playtimes!
Every stage of puppy development brings rewards. So cherish each moment with your pup and enjoy watching them grow into their unique selves.
Sonali had a collection of 12 dogs, each with a unique story. She loved nothing more than writing about their personalities and quirks.